Using a simple calculation, including a person's height and weight, the BMI calculates an individual's body mass.

So if you're looking for a way to tell if you're underweight, normal, or overweight, the BMI is a good place to begin.

You may use this index to determine whether a person's weight is putting them in danger of health issues and when it's time for action in the form of physical activity and nutrition.

Everything you need to know about your BMI, how to calculate it, the advantages and drawbacks of this method and the necessity of keeping a healthy weight according to your body's composition is laid out in this article.

All of the information you need to know about BMI

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is an indirect technique for determining a person's body fat category. Unlike other fitness-related formulae, the BMI formula may be utilized for men and women.

Using the findings of this method, doctors may evaluate if a person's weight is placing them at risk for illnesses linked with weight ranges that are too high or too low, such as diabetes and heart disease.

Your BMI Calculation Method

Metric or imperial measures can be used to determine your BMI.

BMI is measured in kilograms per square meter.

BMI is calculated using the following formula in metric units: lbs x 703 in2

Your BMI is calculated by multiplying your weight in kilograms (kg) by the square of your height in meters (m2). Alternatively, you may convert pounds (lbs) to imperial measurements by multiplying your weight by 703 and dividing the result by your height in inches (in2).

In addition, several websites offer an online BMI calculator, where you type in your measurements, and it will calculate your weight range for you.


Is it possible to categorize people according to their weight?

The BMI scores can be categorized into the following weight categories:

A body mass index (BMI) below 18.5 indicates that you are underweight and may need to gain weight through increased caloric consumption. It's a good idea to consult with a physician or a nutritionist about developing a diet that's right for you.

A BMI between 18.5 to 24.9 shows that you are in a healthy weight range for your body type. Therefore, this is the target area to shoot for.

Overweight: A BMI of 25 to 29.9 indicates that your weight is over the optimum limit. It would help if you began your weight-loss journey by reducing your calorie consumption and regular cardiovascular activity that burns fat.

As bodyvisualizer website wrote having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above implies that you are obese and at high risk for various health problems, including heart disease, diabetes type 2, musculoskeletal problems, and even cancer. Therefore, you should see a doctor for a more thorough examination and advice on how to get your health back on track.

What is a child's ideal weight?

Children and teens' BMIs are calculated using the same method, but their gender and sex should be taken into account because of the varying development rates between boys and girls.

Children and teenagers aren't included in the usual BMI ranges used by doctors because:

At different ages, a person's body fat percentage changes.

During puberty, it is typical to experience changes in body composition.

Children's heights are continually increasing.

The results are influenced by factors such as age and gender.

As a result, a chart that incorporates these different criteria is employed rather than using your child's BMI and the standard weight categories to assess whether or not they are healthy. When it comes to your child's diet and weight, it's always best to visit a healthcare specialist who can offer competent advice after analyzing the chart.


An important criticism of the BMI index is that it does not distinguish between fat and muscle. To put it another way: if two people are the same weight and height but have different amounts of fat on their bodies, their BMIs might be the same, regardless of how much muscle they have. So on the other hand, BMI is not a reliable indicator of health.

It's important to remember that not everyone is a bodybuilder; therefore, for most individuals with normal lifestyles and eating habits, BMI is a reliable and safe approach to classifying their weight range. Also, keep in mind that the BMI index isn't meant to assess your fitness level but rather to identify whether you're in danger of numerous medical issues linked to being overweight or malnutrition.

To get a more comprehensive picture of your health and fitness, there are a few more options that might help, such as:

A person's waist-to-height ratio is calculated as follows:

In this measurement, central fat is given precedence over other types of fat. Central fat is the type that accumulates around your internal organs and is strongly linked to heart disease. Obesity is defined as having a waist circumference of more than 0.53 inches for males and 0.54 inches for women.

WHR = waist circumference divided by hip circumference.

This ratio is related to increased risk if greater than 0.85 for women or 1 for males, respectively.

Analysis of the body's composition

To get access to these devices, you'll need to find a gym or a healthcare practitioner, but it's worth it to examine how much skeletal, muscle, and fat mass you have over your entire body and at the segmental level. It is a pretty accurate method of determining your present physical condition.


One of the essential indicators of your health is your weight; being underweight or overweight can cause or result in your body experiencing major health abnormalities. Therefore, keeping your weight in check is critical.

Obesity is linked to several health issues, including:

Problems with inhalation

You won't be able to obtain enough oxygen if you have a huge physique and a lot of visceral fat, which prevents your lungs from expanding and performing properly. Additional health issues might result from a decrease in oxygen delivery to the body and a decline in lung function.

If you have fatty liver disease, your liver may eventually shut down entirely if you have too much fat surrounding it. One of the most important parts of the body, the liver, regulates blood chemistry and generates bile to aid in the removal of waste items. Additionally, it is involved in the breakdown of lipids and carbs. Gallstones can also be a sign of liver disease and elevated cholesterol, leading to gallstones.

Inflammation of the joints and cartilage due to being overweight is known as osteoarthritis. In addition, an increased body fat percentage may cause inflammation.

Insulin resistance is associated with a higher level of abdominal fat in people with type 2 diabetes. When your body cannot use insulin effectively, your blood sugar levels rise because insulin is responsible for removing glucose from the bloodstream. As a result, approximately 80 percent of those with type 2 diabetes are obese.

High blood pressure: Your heart has to work harder to circulate blood to all of your cells because fat blocks your circulatory system, and your body is bigger. The artery walls weaken as a result of the repeated, high-intensity pumping. Heart attacks, heart failure, and strokes can all be caused by circulatory issues.

Underweight people are more likely to suffer from the following health issues:

Malnutrition: Your body will lack the fuel and energy to carry out all of its essential processes if it does not receive adequate nutrients from nutritious foods. You may need more food in your diet if you are always fatigued, sickly, or experiencing hair loss, dry skin, or tooth decay.

Last updated